Kia Ora-Welcome to KoruQi
Otautahi-Christchurch Aotearoa-New Zealand
Our Body stores Stress, Tension & Trauma.
Bodywork resolves it.
Otautahi-Christchurch Aotearoa-New Zealand
Our Body stores Stress, Tension & Trauma.
Bodywork resolves it.

To resolve tension & trauma and restore calm:
Breathe slow and through the nose.
Sleep well.
Walk every morning.
Laugh & play.
Be in Nature daily in some way.
Eat healthy real food - plants, meat, fish, eggs, nuts, healthy fat. Cut the junk.
Meditate to practice being present now - Kindly.
Smile for no reason. It lifts your mood.
Practice Gratitude.
Relax with body-mind methods like Coherent Breathing, Walking, Havening®, TRE - Tension Release Exercises, TTT Trauma Tapping Technique, Yoga, Swimming, Cycling............
Understand your stress response
- Activation (fight & flight),
- Immobilisation (freeze & flop),
- Restoration (returning to calm, relaxed & happily engaged with life).
Find your tribe who are also practising what helps you feel safe, relaxed and enjoying life.
Breathe slow and through the nose.
Sleep well.
Walk every morning.
Laugh & play.
Be in Nature daily in some way.
Eat healthy real food - plants, meat, fish, eggs, nuts, healthy fat. Cut the junk.
Meditate to practice being present now - Kindly.
Smile for no reason. It lifts your mood.
Practice Gratitude.
Relax with body-mind methods like Coherent Breathing, Walking, Havening®, TRE - Tension Release Exercises, TTT Trauma Tapping Technique, Yoga, Swimming, Cycling............
Understand your stress response
- Activation (fight & flight),
- Immobilisation (freeze & flop),
- Restoration (returning to calm, relaxed & happily engaged with life).
Find your tribe who are also practising what helps you feel safe, relaxed and enjoying life.
PTSD, Anxiety, Depression can be resolved through body methods without necessarily talking about the trauma story.
This can be relief for many who resist therapy for that reason.
Here is a pdf you can download explaining rationale and efficacy of Body based modalities for resolving chronic stress and trauma patterns.
This can be relief for many who resist therapy for that reason.
Here is a pdf you can download explaining rationale and efficacy of Body based modalities for resolving chronic stress and trauma patterns.

efficacy_of_body_based_modalities.pdf | |
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Body based modalities we use at KoruQi -

Slow Nose Breathing.
Slow nose breathing calms your body then the mind follows.
Slow, nose, rhythmic Breathing lowers your heart rate and blood pressure, increases nasal nitric oxide (good for cardiovascular health) and balances your sensory/nervous system.
Slowing the breath for a few minutes and breathing through the nose calms anxiety, distress, anger and worry.
When we are calm we do life easier, feel more awake, have energy, laugh more and cope better with stress.
Slow nose breathing calms your body then the mind follows.
Slow, nose, rhythmic Breathing lowers your heart rate and blood pressure, increases nasal nitric oxide (good for cardiovascular health) and balances your sensory/nervous system.
Slowing the breath for a few minutes and breathing through the nose calms anxiety, distress, anger and worry.
When we are calm we do life easier, feel more awake, have energy, laugh more and cope better with stress.
Tapping on acupressure points TTT
TTT Trauma Tapping Technique is very effective at calming anxiety and panic and can also help resolve past trauma responses by turning off the alarm system in the brain as happens in PTSD. More info at
TTT Trauma Tapping Technique is very effective at calming anxiety and panic and can also help resolve past trauma responses by turning off the alarm system in the brain as happens in PTSD. More info at
Havening Touch®
Havening Touch® is slow, soothing touch that calms the mind and body. Very effective like TTT for turning off the alarm system of stress, fear and ptsd. Video showing Havening
Havening Techniques® and Havening Touch® are registered trade marks of Ronald Ruden, 15 East 91st Street, New York.
Havening Touch® is slow, soothing touch that calms the mind and body. Very effective like TTT for turning off the alarm system of stress, fear and ptsd. Video showing Havening
Havening Techniques® and Havening Touch® are registered trade marks of Ronald Ruden, 15 East 91st Street, New York.

In Mindfulness Meditation we practice kind presence with however we are responding right now - the pleasant, unpleasant and neutral.
Compassionate mindfulness helps us ride our waves of unpleasant experience and savour the pleasant and ok.
Whether you do 1, 10 or 20 min, start where you can and go from there. Mind chatter is normal - let it be. Be kind to yourself.
Thich Nhat Hanh
"To be mindful is to be fully present with whatever we are doing. If you are drinking tea, just drink your tea...." Read more
In Mindfulness Meditation we practice kind presence with however we are responding right now - the pleasant, unpleasant and neutral.
Compassionate mindfulness helps us ride our waves of unpleasant experience and savour the pleasant and ok.
Whether you do 1, 10 or 20 min, start where you can and go from there. Mind chatter is normal - let it be. Be kind to yourself.
Thich Nhat Hanh
"To be mindful is to be fully present with whatever we are doing. If you are drinking tea, just drink your tea...." Read more

TRE Tension & Trauma Release Exercise
TRE shakes out current and accumulated tension from our autopilot protection patterns.
TRE discharges residual energy of any fight, flight, or freeze response still active in our body, relaxing tension and rebalancing the body back to a calm, relaxed, open state.
We have these automatic reflexes for saving our life in emergencies when a split second counts:
anxiety and panic is our fear activation;
anger and rage is our fight activation;
impulse to escape or run away is our flight activation;
feeling immobilised, stuck or numb is our freeze activation:
Sometimes we can become stuck in these states. TRE is a way of turning emergency response off and return to movement and flow again, bringing flexibility to life's challenges.
With practice over time our fear of our intense states reduces, increasing our capacity to stay present with our own and with others' intensity. Over time we sweat the small stuff less and less.
Little and often is the way to benefit from TRE.
7 min Video explains
TRE shakes out current and accumulated tension from our autopilot protection patterns.
TRE discharges residual energy of any fight, flight, or freeze response still active in our body, relaxing tension and rebalancing the body back to a calm, relaxed, open state.
We have these automatic reflexes for saving our life in emergencies when a split second counts:
anxiety and panic is our fear activation;
anger and rage is our fight activation;
impulse to escape or run away is our flight activation;
feeling immobilised, stuck or numb is our freeze activation:
Sometimes we can become stuck in these states. TRE is a way of turning emergency response off and return to movement and flow again, bringing flexibility to life's challenges.
With practice over time our fear of our intense states reduces, increasing our capacity to stay present with our own and with others' intensity. Over time we sweat the small stuff less and less.
Little and often is the way to benefit from TRE.
7 min Video explains
Learning about our natural Stress Response
Our body reacts instantly to threats for survival AND also has an inbuilt capacity to reset our system back to a calm state after the threat is over. Our Stress Response or Fight/Flight & Freeze/Flop response is automatic like breathing.
This is not a conscious choice. It's physiology not cognition.
Adrenalin and Cortisol release extra strength to do heroic deeds.
Oxytocin drives us to connect with others for help, debriefing, problem solving, healing, enjoyment, belonging.
We also have numbing hormones - Opioids - to cope with pain or injury.
All these hormones are released instantly for a purpose and recycled afterwards so we can return to normal and heal if needed.
Activation states are not bad or broken states. They are automatic for emergency response.
However, sometimes our body can become stuck in these stress states which is often called PTSD, Anxiety, Depression, etc.
If we don't sleep soundly our body can't reset and repair injury so the stress effect accumulates, eventually creating chronic pain and illnesses. Just like never maintaining the car - our body eventually wears out without enough good sleep. So chronic sleep deprivation can look the same as PTSD, Anxiety, Depression, etc.
Flexibility to life challenges comes from calming our body-mind regularly AND calming our fear of these intense, protection states so we don't inadvertently keep the stress going by avoidance that doesn't fully reset our system.
TTT, Slow breathing, Meditation, Havening®,TRE and many other methods help us unwind stress so we can enjoy life.
Our body reacts instantly to threats for survival AND also has an inbuilt capacity to reset our system back to a calm state after the threat is over. Our Stress Response or Fight/Flight & Freeze/Flop response is automatic like breathing.
This is not a conscious choice. It's physiology not cognition.
Adrenalin and Cortisol release extra strength to do heroic deeds.
Oxytocin drives us to connect with others for help, debriefing, problem solving, healing, enjoyment, belonging.
We also have numbing hormones - Opioids - to cope with pain or injury.
All these hormones are released instantly for a purpose and recycled afterwards so we can return to normal and heal if needed.
Activation states are not bad or broken states. They are automatic for emergency response.
However, sometimes our body can become stuck in these stress states which is often called PTSD, Anxiety, Depression, etc.
If we don't sleep soundly our body can't reset and repair injury so the stress effect accumulates, eventually creating chronic pain and illnesses. Just like never maintaining the car - our body eventually wears out without enough good sleep. So chronic sleep deprivation can look the same as PTSD, Anxiety, Depression, etc.
Flexibility to life challenges comes from calming our body-mind regularly AND calming our fear of these intense, protection states so we don't inadvertently keep the stress going by avoidance that doesn't fully reset our system.
TTT, Slow breathing, Meditation, Havening®,TRE and many other methods help us unwind stress so we can enjoy life.
Learning how what we eat affects our brain, mood, energy.
We can improve our mental health by eating more real foods - from plants, trees, animals & reducing highly processed foods and sugary drinks/snacks.
Further reading:
Doctors articles and presentations -
Stabilising Bipolar
Depression/Anxiety improvement & Doctor advice if you are on Psych meds
Dramatic improvement of Schizophrenia
Reducing and eliminating chronic pain
How we eat can flatten our glucose spikes
We can improve our mental health by eating more real foods - from plants, trees, animals & reducing highly processed foods and sugary drinks/snacks.
Further reading:
Doctors articles and presentations -
Stabilising Bipolar
Depression/Anxiety improvement & Doctor advice if you are on Psych meds
Dramatic improvement of Schizophrenia
Reducing and eliminating chronic pain
How we eat can flatten our glucose spikes
Book a private session or join a group.
Currently working in person or by video/phone call if needed.
[email protected]
Registered Member NZAC
Currently working in person or by video/phone call if needed.
[email protected]
Registered Member NZAC
Breathe Laugh Play Love Learn Flow